Running Shoes

Are running shoes good for volleyball?

Running Shoes For Volleyball

When it comes to athletic performance, choosing the appropriate footwear can make a world of difference. While running shoes are designed to optimize support and cushioning for forward strides, they may not always be the best choice for other activities, like volleyball

In this article, we’ll explore the key differences between running and volleyball shoes and evaluate whether running shoes are suitable for volleyball.

Are running shoes good for volleyball?

Good Running Shoes

While running shoes do provide a level of comfort and support that can be beneficial in many sports, they may not be the best choice for volleyball. This is primarily due to their design, which is optimized for forward motion and may lack the necessary lateral support for the quick, multidirectional movements that volleyball demands.

The risk of ankle roll or other injuries could potentially increase if one uses running shoes for volleyball. Therefore, it’s strongly recommended to use volleyball-specific shoes when playing this sport as they are designed with features that cater to the specific demands of the game, ensuring both optimal performance and safety.

Characteristics of Running Shoes and Demand of Volleyball

Running Shoes VS Volleyball

Design and Features

Running shoes are typically designed to provide optimal comfort, support and shock absorption during a run. They often feature a lightweight construction, breathable materials and a streamlined design to promote natural, forward motion.

Cushioning, Shock Absorption and Support

Running shoes are equipped with specific cushioning systems in the heel and forefoot areas to absorb the impact of each stride and protect the joints. They provide ample arch support to ensure proper weight distribution and to prevent overpronation or supination.

Limitations in Volleyball Movements

While running shoes excel in forward motion, they may not fully support the unique demands of volleyball-specific movements, such as quick lateral shifts, pivots and explosive jumps.

Demands of Volleyball

Demand Of Volleyball

Dynamic Movement

Volleyball is a fast-paced, highly pivots and explosive jumps. that requires players to perform rapid lateral shifts, pivots and explosive jumps. These intense movements place significant strain on the lower limbs and demand specialized footwear for optimal support and protection.

Limitations of Running Shoes

Running shoes may not offer adequate support for the lateral movements and powerful jumps in volleyball, potentially limiting performance and increasing the risk of injury.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Using Running Shoes in Volleyball

Running Shoes In Volleyball

Running shoes may offer some advantages when playing volleyball; however, they also come with significant drawbacks that can limit performance and increase injury risk.


  1. Comfort: Running shoes are designed to provide comfort, which can help reduce foot fatigue during intense volleyball matches.
  2. Cushioning: Running shoes often come with superior cushioning systems, absorbing impact and offering some protection during jumps.
  3. Support: They provide ample arch support which is beneficial for proper weight distribution during different volleyball moves.
  4. Shock Absorption: The design of running shoes enables them to dissipate the shock of each stride, which can protect joints during landing jumps.


  1. Limited Lateral Support: Running shoes aren’t designed for the frequent lateral, side-to-side movements required in volleyball, which can limit performance and lead to potential injuries.
  2. Potential for Injury: The lack of proper lateral support can increase the risk of rolling or spraining ankles, especially during quick, multidirectional movements.
  3. Performance Limitation: Due to their design optimized for forward motion, running shoes may limit performance during multidirectional movements and jumps.
  4. Lack of Grip: Volleyball requires a shoe with a good grip for swift and safe movements on the court – something that running shoes might lack.

Case Studies and Expert Opinions

Real-life Athlete Experiences

Case Study 1: Sarah, a semi-professional volleyball player, once wore running shoes to a practice match due to an emergency. She reported that she felt less stable during side movements and jumps, causing her overall performance to decrease. She also mentioned experiencing discomfort in her ankles due to the lack of lateral support.

Case Study 2: Mark, a runner who occasionally plays volleyball for fun, noticed a significant difference when he switched from running shoes to volleyball shoes for his games. He felt more secure during lateral movements and noted that his jumps felt more controlled.

Running Shoes During Volleyball Practice

Insights from Coaches, Sports Scientists and Podiatrists

Coach’s Perspective: John, a volleyball coach with over 20 years of experience, firmly believes in the importance of sport-specific footwear. He has seen players perform better and with less injury when wearing volleyball-specific shoes. He emphasizes the importance of the lateral support and grip that these shoes offer.

Sports Scientist’s Insight: Dr. Smith, a sports scientist, concurs with the need for sport-specific shoes. He explains that each sport has unique demands and movements, requiring specialized footwear for optimal performance and injury prevention.

Podiatrist’s Opinion: Dr. Jones, a podiatrist specializing in sports injuries, highlights that wearing running shoes for volleyball can lead to an increased risk of ankle sprains due to inadequate lateral support. She advocates for athletes to wear the appropriate footwear for their respective sports to protect their feet and prevent potential injuries.


Ultimately, the decision on whether running shoes are good for volleyball or not depends on the individual’s preference and needs. Everyone should take into account their playing style to make the best choice for themselves. Based on what we have discussed in this blog post, it is safe to say that running shoes can be used in some circumstances for volleyball, but they are designed to increase performance while running and not jumping or turning as needed in a volleyball game.
All in all, whether you choose running shoes or a more specialized volleyball shoe, just make sure to pick something comfortable, dependable and has great shock absorption qualities. The best way to select a pair of shoes for volleyball is to do your research and try things out. Don’t let anyone else dictate your decisions – do what feels right for you!

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